Эквивалентные граничные условия в электродинамике артикул 5173a.
Эквивалентные граничные условия в электродинамике артикул 5173a.

В предлагаемой монографии впервые в мировой литературе дается подробный анализ эквивалентных двухсторонних граничных условий и методов их получения для широкого класса овлий поверхностей, используемых в инженерных задачах Предназначена для научных и инженерно-технических работников, занимающихся расчетами электромагнитных полей в многосвязных неоднородных многослойных структурах и экранирующих оболочках, связанных с работой электронного оборудования, линий связи, с проблемами электромагнитной совместимости, электромагнитной экологии Авторы Виктор Ерофеенко Станислав Аполлонский.  Издательство: Безопасность, 1999 г Твердый переплет, 416 стр ISBN 5-89809-004-5 Тираж: 500 экз.

Clinical Diabetes артикул 5175a.
Clinical Diabetes артикул 5175a.

Book DescriptionThis new volume, written and edited by some of the worlds leading diabetes specialists, provides the practical information you need to care for your patients with diabetes Covering such areas as lifestyle management, pharmacologic therapy, complications of diabetes, special populations and situations, and organization овлиы and delivery of diabetes care, the book offers concise, clinical advice on all aspects of diagnosis and its ongoing management A visually appealing full-color format, withclinical algorithms, at-a-glance learning elements, and illustrations specially created for the book, makes this a highly convenient source for the practical guidance you need to manage your diabetic patients * Provides tips on how to encourage your patients to administer proper self-care * Presents new sections covering pediatric diabetes and diabetes in the elderly * Addresses problems associated with diabetes including cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, the diabetic foot, and more * Features a user-friendly full-color design, for quick and easy reference * Highlights pearls, pitfalls, key points, and other important considerations throughout the book * Offers appendices containing useful clinical checklistssuch as Insulin Regimens, Insulin Adjustment Guidelines, and more * Includes a bonus CD-ROM with downloadable images and customizable, printable patient education handouts.  2006 г 672 стр ISBN 1416002731.

Русская канарейка артикул 5177a.
Русская канарейка артикул 5177a.

В книге в популярной форме подробно рассказано о происхождении русской канарейки, особенностях ее содержания и разведения, представлены родственники и близкие ей птицы овлйв и, конечно, описаны песни русской канарейки (`школа`, характеристика оценок, интонации) и то, как обучить этим неповторимой красоты запевам ваших питомцев Для широкого круга читателей - любителей русской природы Авторы Владимир Остапенко Петр Ялыгин.  Серия: Ваши питомцы.

Служебные собаки артикул 5179a.
Служебные собаки артикул 5179a.

Автор представляет читателю собаку на службе у человека: подробно знакомит с воспитанием, содержанием и разведением собак в служебных питомниках, делится собственным опытом овлйй и наблюдениями В книге собраны сведения о том, как правильно выбрать и подготовить собаку - помощника для охраны усадьбы или фермерского хозяйства Автор Алла Матыченко.  Серия: Ваши питомцы.

A Field Guide to Type 2 Diabetes артикул 5181a.
A Field Guide to Type 2 Diabetes артикул 5181a.

Book Description This new book gives you the type 2 diabetes checklists you need, road maps for what to do in various situations, and lists of the proper provisions You'll discover information about correcting high and low blood sugar, spotting signs of trouble, using the right gadgets to dose insulin or measure your blood sugar, and more Coverage овлйн also includes: Obesity Insulin resistance Exercise Medications Dysmetabolic syndrome Statistics on costs of diabetes and prevalence by state.  2004 г 250 стр ISBN 1580401945.

Царство земное артикул 5183a.
Царство земное артикул 5183a.

Философская сказка "Царство земное" известного российского автора B C Скрипалева, вышедшая в серии "Философия и психология для жизни", вызовет несомненный интерес овлйр как среди читателей юного возраста, так и старшего поколения Несмотря на философско-психологическую направленность, книга безусловно имеет практическую ценность для эстетического и интеллектуального развития ребенка и рекомендуется для чтения в кругу семьи Автор Владимир Скрипалев.  Серия: Философия и психология для жизни.

Налоги и налогообложение Учебник артикул 5185a.
Налоги и налогообложение Учебник артикул 5185a.

Учебник, написанный в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом, утвержденным Министерством образования РФ, содержит критический анализ налогов и налоговой овлйх системы России, стран СНГ и зарубежных государств В нем рассмотрены основы теории налогообложения, структуры и принципы построения налоговых систем, порядок расчета налогов, учтены последние изменения в налоговых законодательствах разных стран Для работников налоговых органов, юристов, студентов экономических специальностей, также будет полезен всем, кто интересуется проблемами налогообложения Автор Иван Александров.  Издательство: Дашков и Ко, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 314 стр ISBN 5-94798-522-5, 5-94798-612-4 Тираж: 1500 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

Action Plan for Diabetes (Action Plan for Health Series) артикул 5187a.
Action Plan for Diabetes (Action Plan for Health Series) артикул 5187a.

Book DescriptionTake control of your blood sugar with Action Plan for Diabetes This complete guide to managing and preventing complications associated with the disease can significantly decrease your chances of needing insulin injections This exercise-based plan can be tailored to your bodys needs to boost your energy level, help you lose овлйю weight, and make you feel stronger than you have in years A complete, effective program that allows you to enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle, ActionPlan for Diabetes explains how to build strength, flexibility, and endurance while monitoring and maintaining appropriate blood sugar levels and body weight It also presents dietary guidelines and the pros and cons of supplements and medications so thatyou can balance your nutritional needs and exercise to combat swings in blood sugar levels Developed with the American College of Sports Medicine, Action Plan for Diabetes presents a proven system with all the essential information you need to safely and effectively manage type 1 and type 2 diabetes and prediabetes for the long term Action Plan for Diabetes will help you do more than survive; you will thrive.  2004 г 153 стр ISBN 0736054596.

The Art Of Empowerment: Stories And Strategies For Diabetes Educators with CD-ROM workbook артикул 5189a.
The Art Of Empowerment: Stories And Strategies For Diabetes Educators with CD-ROM workbook артикул 5189a.

Book Description Transform your practice by transcending traditional techniques Enhance your fundamental role in helping patients manage their diabetes With this book, you will discover how to structure a richer learning environment for your patientsusing interactive techniques as well as philosophical and practical approaches Rich in овлкб wisdom and real-life experience that will benefit the novice to the expert.  2005 г 310 стр ISBN 1580402356.

Шахматный учебник в этюдах артикул 5191a.
Шахматный учебник в этюдах артикул 5191a.

Книга "Шахматный учебник в этюдах" в двух томах предназначена для юных шахматистов-разрядников, желающих повысить свое мастерство, тренеров и руководителей шахматных овлкз кружков, а также всех любителей шахмат Из более чем 60 тысяч известных в мире шахматных этюдов для первого тома книги отобраны триста четыре - поучительных для шахматистов-практиков Автор книги - шахматный тренер высшей категории - представляет этюды не как произведения специальной области шахматного искусства - композиции, а как учебные позиции средней и повышенной сложности - для обдумывания и решения и, в конечном итоге, совершенствования в шахматном искусстве В педагогических целях авторское задание (выигрыш или ничья) не указывается в начальной позиции этюдов, а перенесено в раздел "Решения" Книга содержит девять тематических глав - блокада, цугцванг, взаимодействие фигур, открытие и закрытие линий, две угрозы короля, тактические удары и комбинации, выигрыш и потеря темпа, батарейная игра, атака на короля, В каждой главе сначала приводятся подробно прокомментированные этюды с типичными и важными идеями по данной теме для разбора читателем, а также ряд этюдов для самостоятельного решения Ответы с пояснениями помещены в главу "Решения этюдов" Имеется указатель авторов этюдов 2-е издание Автор Виктор Пожарский.  Серия: Шахматы.

Attitude is Everything, Revised Edition: 10 Life-Changing Steps to Turning Attitude into Action артикул 5193a.
Attitude is Everything, Revised Edition: 10 Life-Changing Steps to Turning Attitude into Action артикул 5193a.

Amazon com"It isn't how much you know about maintaining a positive attitude that's important," writes Keith Harrell, formerly one of IBM's top training instructors and now a popular speaker, trainer, and consultant "It's how well, and how consistently, you put that knowledge to use " In Attitude Is Everything, Harrell овлкм teaches 10 steps for "an attitude tune-up" that "turns attitude into action " Some of these steps are identifying the attitudes that hold you back or propel you forward, reframing bad attitudes, building supportive relationships, and seeing change as opportunity Harrell weaves his personal stories into the book, such as turning the disappointment of not being drafted by the NBA after college (which he had fully expected) into skillfully landing a job with IBM, even though he didn't have the qualifications and they weren't hiring at that time In each section, he discusses an attitude concept, illustrates it with anecdotes, and teaches specific strategies for integrating it into your life--all in an easygoing, friendly, and motivating style For example, the "Your Attitude Tool Kit" chapter opens with Harrell being notified in junior high school that he had to go to speech therapy for his stuttering, as he had for six years, and using affirmations to cure his stuttering on the spot Then he teaches nine "Attitude Tools," explaining each one and showing you how to put it into action --Joan Price Book Description In the world of professional speakers, Keith Harrell ismaking a difference Clients such as IBM, Coca-Cola, and Boeing know it -- that's why Keith is one of the most in-demand speakers on the circuit Here, in Attitude Is Everything, he shares the secrets that got him where he is today and provides you with a program for developing a healthier, happier, more productive attitude This is an enlightening, inspiring, and practical guide for gaining control of your career and your life by ridding yourself of negative baggage, building positive attitudes, and then turning them into actions to help you achieve your dreams Now, along with the Attitude Is Everything workbook, you will have all the tools for developing and maintaining a powerful positive attitude in order to get ahead.  2005 г 272 стр ISBN 0060779721.

Long Time, No See артикул 5195a.
Long Time, No See артикул 5195a.

Book DescriptionLong Time No See is an inspiring story, but Beth Finke does not aim to inspire With unflinching candor and acerbic wit, she chronicles the progress of the juvenile diabetes that left her blind at the age of twenty-six as well as the seemingly endless spiral of adversity that followed First she was forced out of her professional job овлку Then she bore a multiply handicapped son But she kept moving forward, confronting marital and financial problems and persevering through a rocky training period with a seeing-eye dog Finke's life story and her commanding knowledge of her situation give readers a clear understanding of diabetes, blindness, and the issues faced by parents of children with significant disabilities Because she has taken care to include accurate medical information as well as personal memoir, Long time No See serves as an excellent resource for others in similar situations and for professionals who deal with disabled adults or children.  2004 г 216 стр ISBN 0252072197.

Breathing for a Living: A Memoir артикул 5197a.
Breathing for a Living: A Memoir артикул 5197a.

Amazon comIt would be easy to assume that the story of Elizabeth Rothenberg's battle with cystic fibrosis is one of a brave young woman staying constantly positive in the face of tremendous adversity But situations such as hers are rarely that simple Thankfully, the portrait that emerges in her memoir, Breathing for a Living, is that of a complex овлкъ and very real human being who experiences joy, anger, despair, and hopefulness while struggling to live the kind of normal life most of her fellow college students take for granted And while her candor is admirable, what makes Rothenberg a remarkable author is her dedication to just getting words written down on the page at times when many would simply retreat from the world Through an agonized process of waiting for a lung transplant, she writes down exactly what she's feeling She writes extensively as her body fights the disease and struggles to accept the new lungs And as she is shuttled back and forth between her New York home, her academic career at Brown, and numerous emergency hospital stays, she keeps on writing Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at three days old, Rothenberg spent much of her life in and out of hospital rooms so her medical knowledge is extensive and well documented One gets the impression that staying on top of this information helped her feel at least somewhat in control of her own situation and it lends a steady gravity to her emotionally charged memoir The book is a pastiche of e-mails to friends, journal entries, and the occasional snapshot It looks very much like a college kid's scrapbook, which, in many ways, it is Rothenbergs energetic prose is highly informal and probably more guileless than one would see from a more seasoned writer But that intimacy and simplicity adds to the charm and, as Rothenberg's health deteriorates, the heartbreak as well By the end of Breathing for a Living, the reader loses a friend but gains a greater appreciation of what it means to live --John MoeBook DescriptionNow in paperback comes the moving account by an extraordinary young woman who mounted a daily struggle with cystic fibrosis in an effort to lead an ordinary life Twenty-one-year-old Laura Rothenberg had always tried to live a normal life -- even with lungs that betrayed her and a constant awareness that she might not live to see her next birthday Like most people born with cystic fibrosis, the chronic disease that affects primarily the lungs, Laura struggled to come to grips with a life thathad already been compromised in many ways Sometimes healthy and able to attend school, other times hospitalized for weeks, Laura found solace in keeping a diary In her writing, she could be open, honest, and irreverent, like the young person she was Yet behind this voice is a penetrating maturity about her mortality, revealing a will and temperament that is fierce and insightful.  2004 г 256 стр ISBN 0786888695.

Сыграйте как Фишер (миниатюрное издание) артикул 5199a.
Сыграйте как Фишер (миниатюрное издание) артикул 5199a.

Кто сказал, что вы никогда не станете чемпионом мира по шахматам?! Найдите правильное продолжение, и вы почувствуете себя Чемпионом! 100 примеров из творчества Роберта Фишера овлкь - это торжество логики, виртуозная техника, борьба до последнего шахматного солдата Автор Исаак Линдер (составитель, автор).  Серия: Сыграйте по-чемпионски.

Сыграйте как Каспаров (миниатюрное издание) артикул 5201a.
Сыграйте как Каспаров (миниатюрное издание) артикул 5201a.

Предлагаем читателям попытаться проникнуть в творческую лабораторию Гарри Каспарова на лучших примерах его партий, одни из которых характеризуют глубину и оригинальность овлкю стратегических замыслов (№ 1-25), другие - смелость и изобретательность вдохновенно проводимых атак (№ 26-51), третьи - яркие комбинационные озарения, дальновидность и разнообразие жертв (№ 52-79) Во многом совершенна игра 13-го чемпиона в эндшпиле, где ему удается порой осуществить парадоксальные идеи и самые неожиданные маневры (№80-100) Автор Исаак Линдер (составитель, автор).  Серия: Сыграйте по-чемпионски.

The Type 2 Diabetes Sourcebook (McGraw-Hill Sourcebook) артикул 5203a.
The Type 2 Diabetes Sourcebook (McGraw-Hill Sourcebook) артикул 5203a.

Book DescriptionThe latest guidelines for lasting health from the American Diabetes Association Completely revised and updated, this essential resource for people with diabetes includes new information on the rise of type 2 diabetes in children, metabolic syndrome, and the most recent recommendations for diet and exercise It also provides овллл up-to-the-minute findings on the new diabetes drugs on the market and updated lab test and clinical practice guidelines from the American Diabetes Association.  2005 г 416 стр ISBN 0071462317.

Beating Diabetes (A Harvard Medical School Book) артикул 5205a.
Beating Diabetes (A Harvard Medical School Book) артикул 5205a.

Book Description Dr David Nathan was one of the lead researchers of the landmark Diabetes Control and Complications Trial sponsored by the National Institutes of Health It scientifically proved that the right program of nutrition and exercise can prevent diabetes in people on the brink of the disease The same lessons can have a major effect in those овллц who already have diabetes Approximately 800,000 new cases of diabetes are diagnosed each year in the United States, and that number continues to rise sharply The results of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial received enormous media attention because this approach to lifestyle change offers real hope to the vast and growing number of people with prediabetes (40 million in the United States alone) and those with type 2 diabetes (16 million) Now, in Beating Diabetes, Dr Nathan teams up with fellow Harvard Medical School expert Linda Delahanty to arm people at high risk for developing diabetes and those with type 2 diabetes with the first complete, clinically proven program of its kind Readers get: Step-by-step, proven techniques to help them make real and lasting lifestyle changes by eating better and exercising regularly without becoming a health nut or spending hours in the gym Tasty, easy-to-prepare recipes and daily meal plans from the chief dietitian at the Massachusetts General Hospital Diabetes Center Guidelines for developing diabetes-busting exercise routines appropriate to all ages and fitness levels Help in identifying unhealthy, diabetes-promoting behaviors along with expert guidance on making crucial lifestyle changes and sticking with them.  2005 г 304 стр ISBN 0071438319.

Miracle Eyesight Method артикул 5207a.
Miracle Eyesight Method артикул 5207a.

Book DescriptionMeir Schneider can see - and that's a miracle Born without sight, he refused to give in to his blindness and instead began an intensive exploration of sight and self-healing systems Miracle Eyesight Method is Meir Schneider's original bestselling audio program for better eye health Covers the full theoretical foundations of овлль natural eyesight improvement plus Schneider's complete set of techniques for exercising your eyes back to health.  2005 г ISBN 1591793904.

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Myopia: Directory for the Internet Age артикул 5209a.
The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Myopia: Directory for the Internet Age артикул 5209a.

Download DescriptionThis book has been created for patients who have decided to make education and research an integral part of the treatment process Although it also gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals, it tells patients where and how to look for information covering virtually all topics related овлмб to myopia (also nearsightedness; shortsightedness), from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research The title of this book includes the word official Thisreflects the fact that the sourcebook draws from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date on myopia Given patients' increasing sophistication in using the Internet, abundant references to reliable Internet-based resources are provided throughout this sourcebook Where possible, guidance is provided on how to obtain free-of-charge, primary research results as well as more detailed information via the Internet E-book and electronic versions of this sourcebook are fully interactive with each of the Internet sites mentioned (clicking on a hyperlink automatically opens your browser to the site indicated) Hard-copy users of this sourcebook can type cited Web addresses directly into their browsers to obtain access to the corresponding sites In addition to extensive references accessible via the Internet, chapters include glossaries of technical or uncommon terms.  2005 г 336 стр ISBN 0597846901.

Heart Smart артикул 5211a.
Heart Smart артикул 5211a.

Book DescriptionThe latest cutting-edge methods to treat, detect, and prevent heart disease Heart disease is the #1 killer in North America, Europe, and many other regions of the world Now, with this state-of-the-art guide, readers have a complete, at-home program for preventing and managing heart disease Heart Smart helps readers identify овлмж their current health status through interactive quizzes and then recommends specific diagnostic procedures and lifestyle changes All the latest tests and diagnostics are covered from heart scans to detect critical calcium scores to MRI imagery that gathers the most accurate assessments of heart artery blockages Dr DeVane also includes the Big 5 killer conditions to watch out for, 101 ways to prevent a heart attack, the most recent information on life-saving medications available today, and the secret truth about stress tests Matthew S DeVane, DO (Alamo, CA), is a researcher, teacher, and recognized prevention expert in the largest private cardiology clinic in northern California He is a popular speaker who has numerous TV and radio appearances to his credit.  2006 г 272 стр ISBN 0471746924.

Beyond Cholesterol : 7 Life-Saving Heart Disease Tests That Your Doctor May Not Give You (Lynn Sonberg Books) артикул 5213a.
Beyond Cholesterol : 7 Life-Saving Heart Disease Tests That Your Doctor May Not Give You (Lynn Sonberg Books) артикул 5213a.

Book Description The latest scientific research has revealed that cholesterol levels are not the definitive indicator of heart disease risk In fact, there are six new lab tests and a CT scan that can reveal much about the state of your heart and cardiovascular system Dr Torelli explains what the tests are, what they reveal, and how to get them He also овлми includes information on women’s heart health, and dietary and lifestyle factors that impact cardiovascular disease Beyond Cholesterol includes information on: *C-Reactive Protein *Fibrinogen *Homocysteine *Fasting Insulin *Ferritin *Lipoprotein(a) *Calcium Heart Scan Cholesterol tests are valuable but they don’t tell the whole story This book explains how to get the most important information needed to determine how healthy your heart is and to stop heart disease in its tracks.  2005 г 224 стр ISBN 0312348630.

The InVision Guide to a Healthy Heart артикул 5215a.
The InVision Guide to a Healthy Heart артикул 5215a.

Book Description A groundbreaking new way to look at your heart health from the creator of From Conception to Birth, the bestselling book and Discovery Channel special Using a groundbreaking visual technology, Tsiaras is able to transform the scientific images we are used to seeing -- CAT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, etc -- into stunning images that овлмн are not just reflections of the surface of the body part, but vivid, dimensional renderings The InVision Guide to a Healthy Heart uses theimages generated by this cutting-edge technology in a visually-driven health book that will educate and empower anyone worried about their own or a loved one's heart health In stunning visual narrative, we see the heart in all its miraculous function, view what can go wrong, and learn options for achieving cardiovascular health The book reveals: The development of the cardiovascular system from conception to birth The marvel of the adult cardiovascular system and how it works How hypertension and other risk factors insidiously damage this beautiful, powerful system Surgical, medical, and lifestyle strategies for cardiovascular health By showing the astonishing beauty of the heart in action, this inspiring book makes the urgency of maintaining heart health real and relevant as never before.  2005 г 128 стр ISBN 0060855932.

"You're on the Air with Dr Fratellone" : Answers to Questions Most Frequently Asked About Supplements and Herbs for the Heart артикул 5217a.
"You're on the Air with Dr Fratellone" : Answers to Questions Most Frequently Asked About Supplements and Herbs for the Heart артикул 5217a.

Book Description"When my own father came down with cardiovascular problems, Dr Fratellone was the physician I called " --Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD , author of New York Times bestsellers Fat Flush Plan and Before the Change Integrated Cardiologist Patrick Fratellone, M D , has noticed an alarming trend of treating health problems with овлмш ever-new-and-evolving drugs--often without regard to potentially dangerous side effects Studies suggest that the best way to prevent cardiovascular disease is by modifying behavior Yet society is fixated on obtaining easy solutions, which require little or no participation by the patient Drug therapy may provide only temporary solutions for symptomatic relief and lead to complications In many cases, these medications are unnecessary and produce no great benefit Instead, Dr Fratellone focuses on using vitamins, herbs and supplements to treat and prevent disease You're on the Air with Dr Fratellone is based on questions frequently asked by listeners of the New York City radio show House Calls with Dr Fratellone This valuable guide provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about vitamins and supplements for treating the heart non-invasively.  2004 г 128 стр ISBN 0595326471.

The Emotional Wellness Way To Cardiac Health: How Letting Go Of Depression, Anxiety & Anger Can Heal Your Heart артикул 5219a.
The Emotional Wellness Way To Cardiac Health: How Letting Go Of Depression, Anxiety & Anger Can Heal Your Heart артикул 5219a.

Recent research demonstrates that negative emotions, particularly anger, anxiety, and depression, have a huge impact on heart health The effect is so deleterious that doctors now regularly send patients with heart disease to seek psychological counseling This book presents a complete emotional regulation program to readers struggling with овлмь emotional factors that contribute to heart disease The book opens with an overview of the health issues that contribute to heart problems It establishes the need for heart disease sufferers to rein in the depression, anxiety, and anger that can aggravate their conditions Then the book discusses the different emotional issues that contribute to poor heart health It offers readers assessment quizzes to help identify their particular problems The remainder of the book contains specific strategies for coping with issues in any of seven different areas of psychological health The techniques include behavior-modification exercises, relaxation and visualization tips, and interpersonal and spiritual tools-all designed to help readers address each aspect of their emotional lives Авторы Arthur Nezu Christine Nezu Diwakar Jain.  Издательство: New Harbinger Publications, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 200 стр ISBN 1572243740.

The Expert Guide to Beating Heart Disease : What You Absolutely Must Know (Harperresource Book) артикул 5221a.
The Expert Guide to Beating Heart Disease : What You Absolutely Must Know (Harperresource Book) артикул 5221a.

Book Description What Do the Best-Trained Doctors Do to Beat Heart Disease? In today's avalanche of medical information, how can you distinguish between proven evidence and unfounded claims? This is the first book to translate key medical data into clear guidelines capturing the highest treatment standards for heart disease Renowned cardiovascular овлнк expert Dr Harlan Krumholz presents seven strategies for reducing cardiac risk -- what professionals agree really works In this indispensable handbook, he also profiles care alternatives from supplements to stress reduction as well as treatments on the horizon A "Tools for Success" section helps you track blood pressure, cholesterol, exercise, and weight Download Description" What Do the Best-Trained Doctors Do to Beat Heart Disease? In today's avalanche of medical information, how can you distinguish between proven evidence and unfounded claims? This is the first book to translate key medical data into clear guidelines capturing the highest treatment standards for heart disease Renowned cardiovascular expert Dr Harlan Krumholz presents seven strategies for reducing cardiac risk -- what professionals agree really works In this indispensable handbook, he also profiles care alternatives from supplements to stress reduction as well as treatments on the horizon A ""Tools for Success"" section helps you track blood pressure, cholesterol, exercise, and weight ".  2005 г 288 стр ISBN 0060578343.

Выигрывайте против французской защиты артикул 5223a.
Выигрывайте против французской защиты артикул 5223a.

Известный гроссмейстер и теоретик рассказывает о популярной системе 3 е5 во французской защите, где является крупнейшим специалистом Многие свои теоретически важные партии овлнм Е Свешников сумел "утаить" от официальных баз данных, и в этой книге они публикуются впервые По мнению Анатолия Карпова, это "настоящий учебник, оригинальный по замыслу и прекрасный по исполнению Он научит вас не только тому, как разыгрывать конкретный вариант французской защиты, но и поможет освоить многие типичные стратегические приемы миттельшпиля, что для большинства любителей еще важнее" А приведенные в конце книги энциклопедические таблицы, отражающие современное состояние теории варианта, представляют несомненный интерес для мастеров и даже гроссмейстеров Книга рассчитана на широкий круг любителей шахмат Автор Евгений Свешников.  Серия: Шахматный университет.

Третий международный шахматный турнир Москва 1936 артикул 5225a.
Третий международный шахматный турнир Москва 1936 артикул 5225a.

Третий чемпион мира Хосе Рауль Капабланка в середине 1930-х переживал вторую молодость и играл легко и вдохновенно Московский турнир 1936 года собрал почти весь цвет мировых шахмат, овлну но гениальный кубинец оказался неудержим А ведь своим основным конкурентам, Михаилу Ботвиннику и Сало Флору, он давал "фору" в два десятка лет! Как и сам супертурнир, сборник всех его партий с обстоятельными комментариями его участников - Капабланки, Ботвинника, Флора, Левенфиша и других гроссмейстеров и мастеров по праву занял видное место в истории шахмат Ведь яркие замыслы не тускнеют от времени, и у великих мастеров прошлого всегда есть чему поучиться Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.  Серия: Шахматный университет.

Dying to Live: From Heart Transplant to Abundant Life артикул 5227a.
Dying to Live: From Heart Transplant to Abundant Life артикул 5227a.

Book DescriptionDying to Live is about facing challenges Being miserable Finding faith Letting go and learning to trust It is the inspiring story of Gaea Shaws journey from heart transplant recipient to gold medal winner at the Olympic-style Transplant Games But Gaeas story is much more than that Her gift to readers is that she encourages each овлнъ of us to see that we all face our own challengesand that each of us can experience an abundant life, filled with gratitude, no matter what the odds.  2005 г 116 стр ISBN 0974959758.

Sweet Diabetes-Learn All about Diabetes and Have Loads of Fun While You're Doing It артикул 5174a.
Sweet Diabetes-Learn All about Diabetes and Have Loads of Fun While You're Doing It артикул 5174a.

Book DescriptionAccording to the World Health Organization, the number of people with diabetes will double in the next 25 years The American Diabetes Association states that Type 1 of this disease is on the rise in children In his new book, Sweet Diabetes Learn all about diabetes and have loads of fun while youre doing it (now available through овлищ AuthorHouse), Mauro Di Leo presents a fun way for these youth to understand the special circumstances they face in life and learn how to take control of their health.  2005 г 128 стр ISBN 1420867431.

Type 2 Diabetes for Beginners артикул 5176a.
Type 2 Diabetes for Beginners артикул 5176a.

Book Description A day-by-day handbook for people just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes People who are diagnosed with diabetes find themselves in a whole new world where even the most common everyday events, such as eating breakfast, take on exaggerated importance It’s a world where a person needs a sympathetic guide to help him or her decide what овлиэ to do next The amount of information to take in and act on is overwhelming But it’s important to learn and take action now, because this is the way to defeat diabetes and live well in spite of it This book is the “take-you-by-the-hand” guide that will become a trusted friend and adviser for the millions of people who find themselves in the growing ranks of people with diabetes It can be a lonely and scary place to be, whether one has had diabetes for a day or for 20 years As with all skills—and managing diabetes is just another skill that can be learned—it is wise to start with the basics and to return to them regularly This author has decades of experience counseling individuals and designing reader-friendly publications to help a wider circle of folks make the choices that lead naturally to good management of their diabetes She’s with readers from the first day of diagnosis, through the shock and fears that may arise, and teaches them what the simple steps are and how to take them to make a real difference in their health now, and in all their tomorrows.  2005 г 160 стр ISBN 1580402240.

Diabetes : A Guide to Living Well артикул 5178a.
Diabetes : A Guide to Living Well артикул 5178a.

Amazon com"There are three kinds of people with diabetes: those who cooperate completely in maintaining a normal blood glucose range; those who do this part time; and those who never do it " This updated third edition of Diabetes: A Guide to Living Well was written for all three groups The authors have diabetes themselves: "We temper овлйд medical experts' views with first-hand knowledge of the challenges, threats, and gifts of diabetes " They cover not only blood glucose control, but also integrating diabetes management with all the other aspects of your life: emotional well-being, dealing with crisis, managing stress, maintaining an active lifestyle, following a balanced and moderate meal plan, and working to increase your adherence to your self-care program For all this to work, you have to pick a regimen that fits you personally, and that you will willingly follow, so you get your choice of an "intensive," "moderate," or "loose" regimen Frequent questionnaires, logs, assessment tests, personalnotes from the authors, and action steps help you personalize the information "Living well depends less on how we care for our diabetes than on how we care for ourselves," write the authors, and they help you do both --Joan PriceBook Description Completely revised and updated to meet current ADA Clinical Practice Recommendations, this book offers patients three levels of commitment, letting them decide which level they can commit to in order to live healthier with diabetes Topical coverage includes: Medications Cardiovascular disease Obesity Emotional issues Treatment plans And more.  2004 г 362 стр ISBN 1580402097.

My Personal Path to Wellness: A Journal for Living Creatively with Chronic Illness артикул 5180a.
My Personal Path to Wellness: A Journal for Living Creatively with Chronic Illness артикул 5180a.

Book Description The host of "Cooking Light" and the Former "Galloping Gourmet" shares his secrets for healthy living Changing health habits is challenging when there are so many easy ways to veer off course Celebrity chef GrahamKerr and his wife, Treena, have made it easier to make healthy choices and lifestyle changes овлйк by showing readers where to start and what to do This journal combines the expert advice of 130 health professionals--from cardiologists to fitness experts--with the practical features of a logbook Readers can record blood pressure, carb intake, exercise, blood sugar, stress, and more Each expert presents three important health tips and insights for living healthy.  2004 г 300 стр ISBN 1580402143.

The Secrets of Living and Loving with Diabetes: Three Experts Answer Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask артикул 5182a.
The Secrets of Living and Loving with Diabetes: Three Experts Answer Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask артикул 5182a.

Book DescriptionA diagnosis of diabetes can be difficult but need not be disastrous In order to maintain healthy emotional and loving bonds with others, it is important that everyone - friends, relatives, and partners alike - take an honest look at diabetes: what it is, the upheaval that it may create, and the closeness that it can inspire The Secrets овлйо of Living and Loving with Diabetes discusses, with humor and openness, the most intimate issues that individuals need to know about this condition Featuring the most current medical information, clear guidance, easily understood research data, skill-building exercises, soul-searching questionnaires, and personal anecdotes, this guide is a complete resource The book contains the combined wisdom of three diabetes experts, each offering different ways to not only survive with diabetes, but to thrive.  2004 г 188 стр ISBN 1572840668.

Diabetes for Dummies артикул 5184a.
Diabetes for Dummies артикул 5184a.

Amazon com"The Greeks and Romans knew about diabetes Fortunately, the way they tested for the condition--by tasting the urine--has gone by the wayside " Diabetes for Dummies has the friendly, quirky style you expect from all the For Dummies books, but this is no skim-the-surface Diabetes 101 Rubin has packed this book with useful information, овлйс peppered with warm advice for enjoying your life while living with diabetes One of his points is that although you'd rather not have this disease, you're lucky to have it now instead of a few decades ago, because today you can manage diabetes and live a productive, quality-filled life The book is divided into sections on "Dealing with the Onset of Diabetes," "How Diabetes Affects Your Body," "Managing Diabetes: The 'Thriving with Diabetes' Lifestyle Plan," and "Special Considerations for Living with Diabetes " Each chapter is packed with facts and strategies on topics such as monitoring, battling complications, medications, diet, and exercise If you skim, it's an introduction to diabetes; if you read it carefully, it's a textbook Web surfers will appreciate the "Dr W W Web" appendix, where Rubin lists many useful diabetes Web sites (If you'd rather click than type, you can visit Rubin's Web site, where he offers links to all the diabetes sites ) Also included is a mini-cookbook of multiethnic recipes from noted restaurants, mostly in San Francisco (with the restaurant address, in case you want to order instead of cook) --Joan PriceBook DescriptionFeatures new info on type 2 diabetes in children "A wonderfully written book and the companion for all people with diabetes and their families " —Michael D Goldfield, MD Don’t just survive – thrive! From causes, symptoms, and side effects to medications, diet, and exercise, this friendly guide delivers sound advice on managing diabetes, staying fit, and feeling great You get up-to-date coverage of the latest treatments and glucose meters, as well as diabetic exchanges and delicious recipes from top chefs Praise for Diabetes For Dummies "Filled with wit and wisdom, this book will teach you the Ten Commandments of Diabetes Care, which can help add life to your years and years to your life " – Dr Joel Goodman, Director, the HUMOR Project, Inc "Alan Rubin could be expected to know a lot about diabetes The surprising thing is how well he says it " – Rick Mendosa, diabetes journalist "This lively and lucid tell-it-all guide will provide you with the information you need to leap from the depths of diabetes ignorance to the peaks of understanding " — June Biermann and Barbara Toohey, Founders and Editors-in-Chief ofwww Diabetes com Discover how to: Make diet and exercise part of your treatment plan Ensure you get the tests you need Prevent long-term complications Stay current on advances in diagnosis and treatment Build a support team.  2004 г 404 стр ISBN 0764568205.

Бодибилдинг от А до Я артикул 5186a.
Бодибилдинг от А до Я артикул 5186a.

Эта книга для тех, кто хочет поддерживать хорошую физическую форму или мечтает о чемпионатах по бодибилдингу Для этого не нужны огромные вложения денег, вам необходим лишь овлйч эспандер, гантели, штанга, перекладина и настойчивость Все остальное вы найдете в этой удивительной книге Выполняя все рекомендации автора, вы через кротчайшие сроки избавитесь от лишних жировых отложений, исчезнет худоба, а ваше тело станет упругим, мускулистым и сильным Упражнения, приемы, движения, включая жимы, шраги, пулловеры и становую тягу, подробно описаны и проиллюстрированы Следуя советам автора, вы: ознакомитесь с основами строения мышц; научитесь правильной технике для наиболее эффективной тренировки мышц; научитесь методам постановки целей; оцените советы по режиму питания, которые помогут вам быстрее нарастить мышечную массу; обучитесь сложным упражнениям Автор Александр Волохов.  Серия: Все про Sport.

The Complete Diabetes Prevention Plan : A Guide to Understanding the Emerging Epidemic of Prediabetes and Halting Its Pr артикул 5188a.
The Complete Diabetes Prevention Plan : A Guide to Understanding the Emerging Epidemic of Prediabetes and Halting Its Pr артикул 5188a.

Book DescriptionStop the development of diabetes in its tracks The Complete Diabetes Prevention Plan is a guide to halting the development of diabetes In clear, accessible language, it explains the stages of diabetes and how the diseaseprocess can be arrested It provides dietary guidelines for preventing diabetes, weight-loss tips, and exercise овлка suggestions In addition, the book features 150 easy and appealing recipes that emphasize good carbs, healthful fats, and controlled calories-all crucial elements in a diabetes-fighting diet.  2005 г 288 стр ISBN 1583332375.

Diabetic Foot Care: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References артикул 5190a.
Diabetic Foot Care: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References артикул 5190a.

Book DescriptionIn March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading " Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based овлке information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so Download DescriptionThis is a 3-in-1 reference book It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to diabetic foot care It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to diabetic foot care If your time is valuable, this book is for you First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.  2004 г 52 стр ISBN 0497003546.

Игры и стратегии с точки зрения математики артикул 5192a.
Игры и стратегии с точки зрения математики артикул 5192a.

Хотите верьте, хотите нет - но либо в шахматах у белых есть гарантированный выигрыш, либо у черных есть гарантированная ничья В этой брошюре рассказывается, что это значит, почему овлкл это верно (хотя и бесполезно в шахматной практике!), какие еще бывают подобные игры и как их можно математически анализировать Автор Александр Шень.  Издательство: МЦНМО, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 40 стр ISBN 978-5-94057-432-3 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Рабочая тетрадь к шахматному учебнику артикул 5194a.
Рабочая тетрадь к шахматному учебнику артикул 5194a.

Дорогие Ребята! Книжка, которую вы держите в руках - это сборник заданий к каждому уроку учебника "Эта книга научит играть в шахматы " От вас и вашего учителя зависит, где и овлко как вы будете выполнять их Лучше всего после каждого пройденного урока сразу же заполнить страничку заданий Возможно, вы сделаете это дома А может быть, вы будете их выполнять в школе как проверочные или контрольные работы Ответы на все вопросы заданий вы найдете в каждом уроке Поэтому внимательно читайте учебник Авторы Римма Самсонова Всеволод Костров.  Издательство: Русский шахматный дом / Russian Chess House, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 32 стр ISBN 978-5-94693-136-6 Тираж: 4000 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

What To Do When The Doctor Says Its Asthma: Everything You Need to Know About Medicines, Allergies, Food and Exercise to Breathe More Easily Every Day артикул 5196a.
What To Do When The Doctor Says Its Asthma: Everything You Need to Know About Medicines, Allergies, Food and Exercise to Breathe More Easily Every Day артикул 5196a.

Book DescriptionThe next book in our What To Do? series, this book is a comprehensive guide to dealing with asthma from a top asthma physician Asthma has reached epidemic proportions in the Western world, and nobody is really sure why?there are lots oftheories, but no real cure for the millions of children and adults who suffer from this life-threatening овлкф disease This book offers information and solutions, based on cutting-edge research, for the newly diagnosed asthma patient and his caregivers.  2004 г 304 стр ISBN 1592331041.

Breathing Difficulties: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References артикул 5198a.
Breathing Difficulties: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References артикул 5198a.

Book DescriptionIn March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading " Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based овлкы information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so Download DescriptionThis is a 3-in-1 reference book It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to breathing difficulties It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to breathing difficulties If your time is valuable, this book is for you First, you will not waste time searching the Internetwhile missing a lot of relevant information Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.  2004 г 64 стр ISBN 0497001764.

Young Voices: Life with Diabetes артикул 5200a.
Young Voices: Life with Diabetes артикул 5200a.

Book DescriptionIn Young Voices – Life with Diabetes, the faceless generation who are mere numbers in tomorrow’s diabetes statistics are given a face and a voice – both in a global context and in their communities Narrated by Hala Khalaf, Novo Nordisk Media Prize winner 2004, and photographed by Jesper Westley, Young Voices – Life with овлкэ Diabetes is a collection of eight stories about the lives of thirteen youths around the world "They have one thing in common; they all have diabetes Some of them were born with this lifelong chronic condition A few of them had the ill fortune to live a lifestyle that prompted it As individuals they are very different They come from eight countries on four continents and represent different cultures, backgrounds and age groups Some are battling ignorance and poverty; others have access to the most recent medical technology So why is it that together their stories are interesting? And whatis it that Novo Nordisk hopes to achieve by telling their stories? More than having diabetes in common, they have each found their own way to deal with a condition that never goes away They refuse to let diabetes take over their lives, and they share a state of mind – a special place in their lives – where they find strength, optimism and renewed energy to fight their diabetes The ambition of this book has been to inspire the way we think about diabetes as a disease, andpeople with diabetes as patients By placing the individual before the disease, and by going behind their disease stories and into their real stories, as we have done in this book, we believe that we have an opportunity to help people with diabetes find their own personal reserves to live a full life with – and despite of – their diabetes We have chosen to look at diabetes through the fresh eyes of children and young people because through their eyes we can see, understand and ultimately impact the future of diabetes – their future We hope that it can inspire across all age groups This book is an invitation to people with diabetes, their families, healthcare professionals and health policy makers, who share our desire to change the way we think about and approach diabetes, to work with us to build a better future in diabetes care " Lars Rebien Sorensen, President and CEO, Novo Nordisk The book is published by Novo Nordisk in association with John Wiley and Sons Ltd.  2005 г 126 стр ISBN 0470015845.

The pH Miracle for Diabetes : The Revolutionary Diet Plan for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics артикул 5202a.
The pH Miracle for Diabetes : The Revolutionary Diet Plan for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics артикул 5202a.

Book DescriptionThe author of the successful The pH Miracle offers a revolutionary new diet and health program for the millions who suffer from either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes Diabetes has become an epidemic in the United States with an estimated 17 million people diagnosed with the disease and millions more at risk With attention focused on blood овлкя sugar and insulin levels, however, the underlying cause of all the devastation-excess acidity of the body-has been overlooked A nationally known microbiologist and nutritionist changes all that with this diet and lifestyle plan designed specifically for people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes With advice on which foods to eat, which to avoid, and delicious recipes, as well as guidance on managing stress and exercising safely, Dr Young's program balances the body's pH, controlling acidity and helping to reverse diabetes-or stop it before it starts This remarkable plan can reduce and sometimes eliminate the need for insulin or oral medications THE pH MIRACLE FOR DIABETES empowers readers to take control of their health, and feel better than they ever thought possible.  2004 г 352 стр ISBN 0446532665.

Необычный практикум по шахматам Выпуск 2 артикул 5204a.
Необычный практикум по шахматам Выпуск 2 артикул 5204a.

Автором отобран и представлен в книге обширный литературный и шахматный материал из личной коллекции, собиравшейся в течение многих лет Книга является вторым выпуском оригинального овллм практикума, в котором в отличие от других шахматных книг органично объединены фрагменты литературных произведений, в которых присутствует шахматная тема, и большое количество специально подготовленных заданий для тренинга Адресуется широкому кругу читателей, желающих научиться играть в шахматы и достичь уровня мастерства шахматиста первого разряда Книга принесет пользу родителям юных шахматистов и тренерам по шахматам Особый интерес представляет для тех читателей, которые наряду с шахматами увлекаются художественной литературой Автор Семен Губницкий.  Издательства: АСТ, АСТ Москва, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 400 стр ISBN 5-17-038859-4, 5-17-013744-3, 5-9713-3124-8, 5-9713-1186-7 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Налогообложение индивидуальных предпринимателей артикул 5206a.
Налогообложение индивидуальных предпринимателей артикул 5206a.

Какие виды предпринимательской деятельности подлежат переводу на упрощенную систему налогообложения для отдельных видов деятельности и систему налогообложения в виде овллы единого налога на вмененный доход, какие существуют особенности применения этих специальных налоговых режимов в зависимости от вида предпринимательской деятельности, которым занимается индивидуальный предприниматель, как начать применение специального налогового режима, какие еще налоги и в каком порядке он должен уплачивать, как вести в целях налогообложения раздельный учет имущества, обязательств и хозяйственных операций, какую позицию занимают арбитражные суды при разрешении сложных и спорных вопросов применения этих специальных налоговых режимов? Подробно, с конкретными ссылками на действующие законодательные и нормативные правовые акты изложены ответы на эти и другие вопросы, возникающие в ходе осуществления гражданами предпринимательской деятельности Данное издание предназначено для граждан, осуществляющих предпринимательскую деятельность без образования юридического лица Автор Валентин Карпов.  Издательство: КноРус, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 320 стр ISBN 5-85971-538-2 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Как научиться играть в шахматы артикул 5208a.
Как научиться играть в шахматы артикул 5208a.

Шахматы - это интеллектуальная игра, имеющая многовековую историю Сейчас шахматы становятся все более популярны Игра в шахматы сочетает в себе элементы спорта, науки и искусства овлма При этой игре обнаруживаются и развиваются многие особенности человеческой личности, поэтому шахматы иногда используются в качестве модели научных исследований в психологии и педагогике, и в связи с этим игра в шахматы имеет воспитательное значение, способствуя становлению личности Также игра в шахматы учит логическому мышлению, развивает концентрацию внимания и усидчивость Некоторым кажется, что эта игра трудна, скучна и подходит только для интеллектуалов На самом деле она очень увлекательна Многие люди, впервые начав играть в шахматы в детстве, не могут бросить это хобби на протяжении всей жизни А иногда хобби перерастает в профессию С помощью данной книги авторы хотят привить вам любовь к этой замечательной и полезной игре: рассказать о том, какие шахматные фигуры существуют, как они ходят, а также познакомить с основными приемами шахматной игры и другими шахматными премудростями Авторы (показать всех авторов) Дмитрий Бирюков Анатолий Гордиевич Михаил Коптилкин.  Издательство: Владис, 2009 г Твердый переплет, 512 стр ISBN 978-5-9567-0740-1 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Before It Happens to You: A Breakthrough Program for Reversing or Preventing Heart Disease артикул 5210a.
Before It Happens to You: A Breakthrough Program for Reversing or Preventing Heart Disease артикул 5210a.

Book Description"Before a heart attack or stroke 'happens' to you, read this important book It just might save your life "-Edward Philbin, M D , George Pataki Chair in Cardiology, Chief, Division of Cardiology Albany Medical Center Do you have a history of heart problems in your family? Do you have even slightly elevated blood pressure? овлмд Has your cholesterol ever been a bit high? If you can answer yes to even one of these questions, you need to read this book Because by following Dr Jonathan Sackner Bernstein's breakthrough plan, you could cut your individual risk of heart attack in half-even if you don't start an exercise program or change your diet Under Dr Sackner Bernstein's plan, you will be screened for heart disease with a few doctor-ordered blood tests Then, depending on the findings, you will be treated with up to four tested and safe medications: an aspirin, an ACE-inhibitor, a statin, and a beta-blocker The scientific evidence for this strategy is overwhelming: the medications work, they stave off heart disease, and they bring heart health back Explaining the science as well as how to talk to your doctor about his or her necessary involvement, Before It Happens to You will help you identify your heart issues Providing both prevention advice and treatment advice, it can and will save lives.  2004 г 256 стр ISBN 073820918X.

The Women's Healthy Heart Program : Lifesaving Strategies for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease артикул 5212a.
The Women's Healthy Heart Program : Lifesaving Strategies for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease артикул 5212a.

Book DescriptionWINNER OF THE BOOKS FOR A BETTER LIFE AWARD One out of every two women will die of heart disease It is the single greatest health risk for women today–more than stroke and all cancers combined In the course of her practice,and as chief of Women’s Cardiac Care at New York’s Lenox Hill Hospital, Dr Nieca Goldberg has come to a startling овлмз realization: Women experience heart disease in a fundamentally different way than men do The physiology of a woman’s heart attack is not the same as a man’s, the symptoms of heart disease and signs of impending heart attack differ for women, and once heart disease has been recognized, women often do not get the treatment and medications they require Now here are detailed, age-specific programs that give women the facts and the guidance they need to recognize, treat, and prevent heart disease, including • how you can rate your risk of heart disease • the effects of menopause on your heart • risk factors you can change–starting today • a heart-healthy exercise plan that works for you • a complete guide to heart-healthy supplements • the truth about hormone replacement therapy and the heart • recovering from a heart attack or surgery Authoritative, caring, and up-to-the-minute, this is the women’s health book for the new millennium.  2006 г 480 стр ISBN 0345492285.

Как стать гроссмейстером артикул 5214a.
Как стать гроссмейстером артикул 5214a.

Книга выдающегося советского гроссмейстера А Котова посвящена общей теории миттельшпиля В этом труде освещаются такие вопросы, как позиционная игра, комбинационное чутье, овлмм расчет вариантов, переход в эндшпиль, турнирный режим Каждая глава сопровождается примерами из практики выдающихся шахматистов мира Рассчитана на шахматистов-разрядников Автор Александр Котов.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Физкультура и спорт, 1985 г Мягкая обложка, 240 стр Тираж: 100000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Матч века артикул 5216a.
Матч века артикул 5216a.

Редактор: Ю Бразильский Принято считать, что история международных шахматных состязаний началась в 1851 году, когда в Лондоне был проведен первый международный шахматный турнир овлмр С тех пор прошло бесчисленное множество турниров, командных и личных матчей и всяких других состязаний, но никогда команда одной страны не выступала против сборной команды мира Такое соревнование состоялось лишь в 1970 году Команда советских шахматистов вступила в единоборство с командой избранных шахматистов мира "Матч века" - так стали называть это состязание О нелегком пути, которым шли к этому матчу советские шахматисты, о ходе матча, обо всех неожиданностях драматической борьбы рассказывает эта книга На ее страницах - все сорок партий матча, подробно прокомментированные участниками советской команды и другими гроссмейстерами, обзоры советской и иностранной прессы, теоретические статьи и другие материалы Каждый, кто любит шахматы, будь то квалифицированный или еще неискушенный шахматист, найдет для себя в этой книге много интересного и поучительного.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Физкультура и спорт, 1971 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр Тираж: 60000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Матчи на первенство мира / World Chess Championship Matches (комплект из 3 книг) артикул 5218a.
Матчи на первенство мира / World Chess Championship Matches (комплект из 3 книг) артикул 5218a.

Редактор: Игорь Бердичевский В предлагаемом вашему вниманию трехтомнике собраны и прокомментированы партии всех матчей на первенство мира по шахматам, состоявшихся с 1886 овлмы по 1998 год В подавляющем большинстве эти матчи были битвами настоящих шахматных титанов Среди партий, представленных в этом издании, немало подлинных шедевров, изучение которых доставит истинное наслаждение ценителям шахматного искусства Специальное предложение: 3 книги по цене 2 Иллюстрации.  Издательство: Русский шахматный дом / Russian Chess House, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 936 стр ISBN 5-94693-007-9, 5-94693-008-7, 5-94693-009-5 Языки: Русский, Английский, Немецкий, Итальянский Тираж: 5100 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Учебник-задачник шахмат Книга 7 артикул 5220a.
Учебник-задачник шахмат Книга 7 артикул 5220a.

В седьмой книге предлагается шахматный практикум - 2, содержащий 900 комбинаций по трем циклам сложности Для их решения необходимо владеть техникой расчета вариантов Вторая овлнж часть книги посвящена этюдной композиции В ней имеется 180 этюдов в порядке сложности для развития логического мышления, фантазии и точного расчета вариантов Книга предназначена для любителей шахмат, разрядников и тренеров Автор Иосиф Славин.  Издательство: Правда Севера, 2000 г Твердый переплет, 288 стр ISBN 5-85879-043-7 Тираж: 4000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Спорт для начинающих Баскетбол Плавание Теннис Футбол артикул 5222a.
Спорт для начинающих Баскетбол Плавание Теннис Футбол артикул 5222a.

Вниманию читателя предлагается уникальная книга, благодаря которой вы сможете изучить азы подготовки в таких популярных видах спорта как баскетбол, плавание, теннис, футбол овлнл Подробное описание на страницах книги органично добавляет информация на сайте www activology com, где все четыре вида спорта поданы с точки зрения активологии - науки об активном и здоровом образе жизни Авторы Джим Дрюэт Пол Мэйсон.  Издательства: АСТ, Астрель, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 196 стр ISBN 5-17-012851-7, 5-271-04252-9 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 50x90/16 (~110x240 мм).

Chest Pain - When and When Not to Worry артикул 5224a.
Chest Pain - When and When Not to Worry артикул 5224a.

Download DescriptionABOUT THE BOOK CHEST PAIN - WHEN AND WHEN NOT TO WORRY is a simple and easy to understand guide for anyone seeking information about chest pain Devoid of complex medical jargon, this book explains the large number of possible causes for chest pain and what type of pain that could signal danger It is an offspring of a previous book овлно by Dr Miller describing chest pain that was directed to physicians and medical students Anyone who has ever wondered about what chest pain can mean willfind this accurate and easily readable book quite helpful This book is ideal for doctors and nurses to use for patient education "I recommend my patients read this helpful book so that they can better understand chest pain " Arthur S Palmer, M D , Cardiac Surgeon "Heart attacks and strokes are the number one cause of death in the United States Each of us needs to know our risk and what chest pain means Written clearly for anyone (from laymen to physician) by a renowned clinical cardiologist with over 40 years of experience in practice, this book will do precisely that " Martin Gras, M D , Cardiologist ABOUT THE AUTHOR Albert J Miller, M D , is Board Certified in Cardiovascular Medicine and is in the clinical practice of cardiology at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital He is also a Professor of Clinical Medicine (Cardiology) at Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University He is Past President of the Chicago Heart Association, a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, and has spent much of his career in clinical practice and research related to cardiology He has authored over 100 medical papers and has long had an interest in the study of chest pain He is married and lives in Highland Park, IL with his wife Gwen.  2005 г 148 стр ISBN 1587411318.

Налоги и налогообложение Учебное пособие артикул 5226a.
Налоги и налогообложение Учебное пособие артикул 5226a.

Представлена существующая система налогообложения Российской Федерации, изложен порядок расчетов основных видов налогов и платежей в соответствии с Налоговым кодексом овлнч Российской Федерации, перечислены основные права и обязанности налогоплательщиков и налоговых органов, рассмотрены вопросы ведения налогового учета и его взаимосвязь с бухгалтерским учетом Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей экономических факультетов и вузов, бухгалтеров, экономистов, менеджеров, а также для всех, кто интересуется вопросами налогообложения Авторы Валентина Тарасова Т Савченко Л Семыкина.  Издательство: КноРус, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 5-94761-026-4 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

The Doctor's Heart Cure, Beyond the Modern Myths of Diet and Exercise: The Clinically-Proven Plan of Breakthrough Health Secrets That Helps You Build a Powerful, Disease-Free Heart артикул 5228a.
The Doctor's Heart Cure, Beyond the Modern Myths of Diet and Exercise: The Clinically-Proven Plan of Breakthrough Health Secrets That Helps You Build a Powerful, Disease-Free Heart артикул 5228a.

Book DescriptionWould you like to save yourself the indignity, inconvenience and foul taste of modern diet fads? Are you sick and tired of frittering away your money on heart medications that leave you feeling more wretched than ever? Do you spend frequent, precious hours jogging or pounding away at the gym? And despite all of this effort, are you овлны still fatter and weaker than you want to be? Then its time to abandon the Modern Gospel of low-fat food and long-duration exercise as a path to heart health We need the very opposite, says Al Sears, M D in The Doctors Heart Cure According to Dr Sears, heart disease continues to be Americas biggest killer and obesity has reached epidemic proportions because of the fad for low-fat diets and despite aerobics Your hearts salvation lies in reengineering the diet and exercise habits of our hunter-gatherer ancestors to fit our modern culture What does this entail? To build a strong and resilient heart, says Dr Sears, engage in brief, explosive bouts of intense exercise Consume a diet rich in high quality fat, pasture-fed meat, free-range dairy, wild-caught fish and liberal helpings of low-glycemic fruits and vegetables Avoid grain-based starches as best you can And take appropriate supplements to counteract the nutritional deficiencies of modern produce As Director of The Center for Health and Wellness, an integrative medicine and anti-aging clinic in south Florida, Dr Sears has used this plan to help more than 15,000 patients successfully reverse heart disease, build stronger hearts, manage their weight and abandon their heart medications In The Doctors Heart Cure, for the first time, Dr Sears reveals his entire, proven program, so you too cansafely build an impregnable heart Discover: Why starches - not fat - are the villains behind heart disease Why traditional "cardio" may be harmful to your heart Why cholesterol does not cause heart disease The real reasons obesity has been skyrocketing in America How the PACE exercise program puts you on the fast track to heart health in less than 20 minutes a day How to enjoy a diet rich in fat and animal protein while strengthening your heart How The Doctor's Heart Cure makes it easier-than-ever to reach and maintain your ideal bodyweight Why heart disease continues to be Americas biggest killer Why the conventional approach to heart disease fails The three key principles for building heart health The new paradigm for healing heart disease and achieving heart health How to rediscover your natural diet What our ancestors really ate The link between heart attacks and other health problem How AGEs accelerate the agingof the heart and how to control them Why long-duration exercise is a waste of your time, and can actually cause other health problems Why "downsizing" you heart could you be setting you up for premature death How to increase your hearts horsepower How to improve your cholesterol ratios How maintain healthy testosterone levels The heart attack risks from long-distance running How to shed more fat with interval exercise Why endurance exercise encourages fat production Why PACEtm may help you live longer The most important predictor for chronic heart failure How to build muscle mass with effective interval workouts The tragic consequences of the cholesterol drug campaign The health benefits of higher cholesterol for the elderly How to remove plaque from your arteries The truth about cholesterol drug research and the incidence of heart disease The many health dangers of statins and the healthier, cheaper alternatives Why heart medications can make your symptoms worse and the safer alternatives Why you should say "no" to nitrate-based cardiac drugs, if you can and the safe, natural alternatives Why you need to beware of beta blockers How to assess your heart health How to protect yourself from the "sinister killer" homocysteine The link between hi.  2004 г 320 стр ISBN 0938045652.

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